
Pay Inequity in Athletics

Today, female athletes’ scholarships and salaries are increasing. However, male athletes still make more money than female athletes. College and professional sports still provide unequal funding for women. They are still paying men more than women for the same sport. They give women less incentive in the sport. Female students comprise 57% of college student populations. However, female athletes received only 43% of participation opportunities. There are 56,110 fewer participation opportunities than men. The gap between female athletes and male athletes seems become narrow, but male athletes still receive 55% of college athletic scholarship dollars. There is only 45% of college athletic scholarship dollars be allocated to female athletes. In addition, women's teams receive only 38% of college sport operating dollars and 33% of college athletic team recruitment spending.

Moreover, in the NCAA's Division I, the richest and most powerful athletic programs, women hold less than 8% of athletic director positions. Female athletic director and administrators were sent down to lower positions than male athletic director and administrators. Female athletics were controlled by men. The coaches in women’s teams earn less than the coaches in men’s team. According to the NCAA’s Division I, the head coaches for women's teams receive an average salary of $850,400 while head coaches for men's teams average $1,783,100. (Pay Inequity in Athletics)

On the other hand, most Advertisers and sponsors want to put their more money in men’s sports teams because they think that they are going to get the most return from men’s activities. As a result, men's sports teams always get more support than women’s. So even today women are still fighting for equality and opportunity.

“Pay Inequity in Athletics” http://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/Content/Articles/Issues/Equity-Issues/P/Pay-Inequity-in-Athletics.aspx

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